Pippins Class
Our teachers
Mrs Hayman and Mrs Fenton are the class teachers.
Mrs McKechnie supports us in the classroom.
Weekly News
Monday | Mrs Fenton will be teaching with Mrs Mac on a Monday and Tuesday |
Tuesday |
PE in the afternoon - Dance this term Reading Books returned from previous week please. |
Wednesday |
Reading Practice book home (this will initially be a wordless book until sounds are taught - there are some question ideas to ask inside the back cover. (PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN WHEN READ AT HOME & KEEP IN BOOK BAGS) This book has been carefully matched to your child’s current reading level. If your child is reading it with little help, please don’t worry that it’s too easy – your child needs to develop fluency and confidence in reading. |
Thursday |
Show and Tell- the children may bring something from home to share with rest of the class Little Wandle Book home (this will have been read in school with your children, and you can spend some more time with the book at home). Please use the supporting worksheet at home to practice the work they have done in school. Please return Tuesday/ Wednesday of the following week. |
Friday |
(Celebration Assembly with visiting clergy) LIBRARY - will be run by our Year 2 Library leaders In order to encourage your child to become a lifelong reader, it is important that they learn to read for pleasure. The sharing book is a book they have chosen for you to enjoy together. Read it to or with them. Discuss the pictures, enjoy the story, predict what might happen next, use different voices for the characters, explore the facts in a non-fiction book. The main thing is that you have fun!
What We Are Learning This Week
Curriculum Overview Spring Term Week 4
Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2025 Week 5
A Little Wandle video you can watch with your children that matches our learning.
Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge Organiser Once Upon a Time
Poem of the Week
A Little Red Apple by Marguerite Gode A little red apple Dropped right on to my nose! |
Reception Key Texts-
These are our key texts for the year....
Meet The Teacher PowerPoint
Meet the Teacher PowerPoint 2024
Autumn Term Photo Gallery
Spring Term Photo Gallery
Summer Term Photo Gallery
Pippins Class Summer Photos
Home Learning
Each child in Pippins class will receive the following homework:
ALL Reading books will be collected on a Tuesday and exchanged for a new book on Wednesday. Just 10 minutes of reading practice every day will support your child's reading fluency.
(Please keep in book bags safely, and please remember no water bottles inside book bags)
Little Wandle (our Reading scheme) books will be sent home on a Thursday. These will be sent home in a zip-up folder together with a Home Learning sheet to support your child to practise and reinforce the phonemes and graphemes we are learning in school.
Letter join handwriting scheme - logons sent home in September and also in front of reading journal
Doodle maths instructions and logins have all been sent home - please see me if there are any problems.
Optional Homework (below)
Pippins have set an optional homework grid. There are eight fun activities on the grid to choose from over the half-term.
Children can bring their work to school on a Thursday to Show and Tell and share with their class or photograph it and upload it to Tapestry.